Posts Tagged ‘New Year’

Late last night I sat down on my bed with a pen and paper, soft music playing in the background, and let my mind wander.
I reflected on the past year, much like I did in my previous blog post- identifying the problems I encountered, and highlighting the good parts. I then proceeded to write it all down. I wrote down the good parts, the bad parts, the parts I’d been repressing, the parts I’d been reliving. Once I was done, I also wrote down what I hoped for in 2015- what I wanted out of the year, out of myself, and what my wishes were for the coming months.
Once I was done writing this letter to myself, I closed the book. I plan on ripping those pages out without looking at them again, sealing them in an envelope and putting it away, not to be looked at again until January 2016, at which point I will repeat this process, but instead looking back on 2015.

I got this idea from my boyfriend’s mother, who writes this letter to herself every year, evaluating her year and planning for the next.
I found it very therapeutic to do this- to write down, by hand, thoughts that I know I won’t read again for a year. It will be interesting to read this letter in a year and see how my hopes panned out- to reflect and see what changed, what didn’t, what I achieved and what I failed in.
This is a practice that I would like to turn into tradition. Something I now do every year in early January, when the Christmas decorations have been boxed away and the last of the chocolate has been consumed.

One thing I wrote a few times in this letter, which I don’t mind sharing here, as I think I’d rather be reminded of this more regularly than just once a year- is that my biggest hope for 2015 is to be happy. I’m guilty of being one of those people who can tend to rely on others for my own contentedness. I’d like to learn to be happy in myself, without the outside influence of others. I’d like to be able to love myself, to trust myself and to be at peace with who I am as a person.
In order to do that, one of the biggest challenges this year for me, will be to identify what makes me tick- to work out what I want out of life, and to start working towards becoming the person I want to be.
I don’t think life is about finding yourself, I think it’s more about creating yourself. And I think I need to start doing that.

So, 2014 is concluded with the sealing of an envelope, and 2015 is started on a blank page. Time to doodle.

Fuck you, 2014. Rock on, 2015.


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Well, another year is almost over. And as everyone in the history of ever has pointed out at the end of every year, this one went rather fast. The year certainly did seem to fly by, with the months quickly bleeding into each other and the hours becoming seconds.

But this year has been a big one for me, both emotionally and physically draining, with some of my biggest challenges and achievements yet. This year I completed two dissertations, and therefore my degree, and I graduated from education, and left to my own devices with what is essentially a glorified and very expensive piece of paper. (Pretty scary stuff, I gotta say).
I also moved from my student home into the city of Manchester, and became a business owner. Again, pretty scary stuff.
Although this year has contained some great highlights, it’s had a lot of darkness. And I think that has reflected in my neglecting of this blog.

I looked through my posts from this year and noticed I only wrote 7 blog posts since the beginning of the year (excluding this one), while in 2013 I wrote 17. That, I think, shows the difference between the two years for me. This year has been a real struggle, despite the highlights. It’s been emotional and yet also emotionless, with the year passing in such a blur that now it almost feels as if it never happened.

What I’m hoping for, is that next year will be better. That my mental health will improve, and by extension my physical and emotional health. I want to achieve more and aim higher, and most of all I want to be happier.
2014, for all its triumphs, also had crippling lows; days where I struggled to even find the strength to get out of bed, and sometimes I couldn’t even find that. Overall, I don’t see 2014 as a good year, though I was lucky enough to have met some amazing people, who are now friends for life and made some wonderful memories with them.

2015 is a new start. I’m looking forward to what’s next. And to getting back to posting blog posts more regularly, as well as uploading my photographs more regularly to my Flickr, rather than letting them build up in queues waiting to be published.
Next year should kick-start a new chapter of my life, and I’m hoping for a positive one.

I hope everyone out there had a very Merry Christmas and will have a very Happy New Year, and to those of you who didn’t, or for those who find the festive season difficult, then I hope you stay strong and that you can find some happiness and peace during the coming days and weeks.
Hold in there, you’re not alone, and it will get better. I promise. ❤


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ImageThis is the last photo I published to my blog in 2012.
A lot has happened in the months since then, and many moments were captured.

So… here’s my recap of 2013 in pictures…


ImageI took my first 50 Week Photo, named “Steaming Mug Of Ice”.

ImageGrant came to visit and we frolicked in the snow…

ImageAnd I used a 5×4 camera for the first time.



ImageWe celebrated our 1 year anniversary…

ImageAnd Dom got me some lovely presents…

Image… and the sun shone for the first time in months.



ImageWe played chess…

ImagePulled stupid faces…

ImageAnd spent time with my little girl.



ImageGrant and I went to see and met Derren Brown.

ImageAnd sipped free champagne for his 21st!

ImageOh… and I turned myself into a puppet.



ImageI dyed my hair orange…

ImageSweep wore a coat…

ImageWe laughed… ❤

ImageSpent time with friends…

ImageAnd I watched a lot of Dexter… 🙂



ImageI started rereading all of Harry Potter… (In the bath… ahem)

ImageSummertime started peaking out of hibernation…

ImageI went to Download Festival for the first time…

ImageFinally saw Slipknot live…

ImagePlus Rammstein! (Among others)

ImageAnd turned myself into an Elf!



ImageWe went to Oxford for my 21st!

ImageCelebrated with Misty…

ImageTried Jason’s amazing cocktails…

ImageDrank yet more free champagne with these rascals!




Jason, Tav and Grant. 🙂


We saw Cirque Du Soleil: Alegria in London…


I made my first piece of pottery!

ImageAnd we sunbathed the month away!



ImageI dyed my hair back to its natural colour for the first time in 5 years!

ImageDom and I went on our first holiday, and my first one in 7 years!

IMG_2064We went to Venice!

IMG_2073 copy

DSC_0129 (2)


DSC_0021And we had an amazing time!



IMG_2172We went to Yorkshire and spent time with my “little” brother…


IMG_2173Plus Vladimir the Impaler!

IMG_2204My sister came to stay…

IMG_2227My laptop died right before term restarted…

IMG_2239So I got my first Mac!

IMG_2225Some friends came to Manchester…

IMG_2105And my precious little baby girl sadly lost her fight with cancer…



IMG_0104I got my new winter coat.

IMG_0030Found the first conkers of the season…

IMG_0038Developed a little obsession with them…

IMG_0206 copyGot dressed up for the Manchester Zombie Walk…

IMG_0072And made brookies!



IMG_0421 copyI got a surprise present from Dom!

IMG_0386 copy

IMG_0441 copyShot my photographs for the exhibition…

IMG_0425 copyGot the seal of approval for my images from my tutor…

IMG_0261Went to bonfire night at the Alma…


IMG_0333 copyVisited Alton Towers with friends and saw the fireworks!



IMG_0548I got my business cards…

IMG_0491Spent most of my time getting the exhibition together…

IMG_0581Put up my first Christmas tree in my own home…

IMG_0591Watched Elf with my friends…

IMG_0533Opened my first exhibition of my work…



IMG_0564Went drinking after the exhibition with my fellow photographers…


IMG_0698We had our first Christmas spent together!



IMG_0729And I got Christmas bow ties for all the animals!

IMG_0758I finally got Starbucks to call me “Gandalf”…


IMG_0764And we saw in the New Year in Reading with my lovely sister and her boyfriend.


2013 was an absolute whirlwind. Some incredible memories created, new friends made, and sadly some goodbyes too.

I want to wish all my beautiful followers a Happy New Year, and I sincerely hope you all have a great 2014.

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So, the world didn’t end. Let’s take a moment to pat ourselves on the back for once again avoiding an inevitably firey and painful death because a bunch of nuts once wrote a book, or in this case, stopped writing one.

In other news, another year is gone. I don’t know if it’s how busy I’ve been this year or just generally my increasing age, but the years seem to be going by at very unnerving speeds. I swear it was only the other day I had my 18th birthday. Now this year I am poised to take up my position in the eyes of British law as an “adult”. I shiver at the thought.

With the New Year, come New Years Resolutions. I normally make these with the best of intentions of keeping them… I always fail miserably. This year I think I worked out the source of this issue; I set my goals a little too high. For instance, last year I vowed I would take an amazing, jaw dropping, well processed and original photograph a day. Trying to achieve this after year of absolute zero motivation and inspiration may have been the reason this didn’t happen.
This year, I want to make resolutions I know I at least have a shot at keeping.
So, without any further ado, here are my resolutions:

1/ I want to take a photo a WEEK. Not one every day, just one every seven. That gives me a whole six days to plan out the next photo, and inevitably the end result will be better as a result of proper planning. This project will be called “52 Weeks” and each photo will be uploaded to my shiny new Flickr account, to document my new “style”. I will link my Flickr below. I think you should all, yes even you, you reading this right now, go and check out my stream. Please. Keep me motivated.

2/ At least once a week, as well as taking a photo, do something else artistic. I’ve been guilty before of putting one of my arts before the others I enjoy. I tend to be focused on one type of medium so heavily, that a year will pass where I haven’t written a single thing. This will change 2013; on top of a photo a week, I will also either write a poem a week, complete a chapter of one of my many novel projects, etc.

3/ Have one night a week where I have a technology free night. This sounds strange coming from someone who blogs, wants to start a YouTube channel and relies on a computer for most of her work, but I want to give it a go. Turn off my phone, shut off anything that requires a plug to work, and just do something else. Paint, read, draw, even just sit and talk to my boyfriend for a night. I think it will be really nice and therapeutic to take time away from the Internet for a few hours a week.

4/ I would like to lead an overall healthier lifestyle. Now, I’m not one to take on insane diets. I don’t feel the need to go to the gym every day of the week. And I’m not wanting to do that. I feel the “diet” and “slimming” resolution is so cliche these days, I’m pretty sure about 90% of the world are taking on resolutions like this. I don’t want to be one of those.
No, when I say “healthier lifestyle” I mean in general. I want to be mentally, emotionally and physically healthier. I want to consume less sugar, do more home cooking (I do a lot anyway, but I feel it’s limited, I want to try more cooking techniques) and actually start eating breakfast before noon. Overall, I want to be happier in myself.

5/ Finally, I would like to ENJOY this year. 2012 for me was a whirlwind of stress and bad news. And rain. So much bloody rain. So much rain that we couldn’t do half the stuff in the summer we had planned. This year that will change. I want to do all the things I’m planning. I want to go to a load of festivals, go on trips, see more of the world, and just generally get out more. I want to have FUN. I don’t want to spend the whole year being stuck inside with only my degree to occupy my time. I want uni to be more FUN. And the only way to do that is to just bloody DO the things I plan on doing, rain or no rain. If I get wet, then I get a towel and carry the fuck on.



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There are so many wonderful things in my life beginning with the word “P” that I am spoiled for choice! I’ll just stick to the main ones to keep this post under a century long.

The first and most obvious one is Preeti, my best friend of all my friends. She is otherwise known as Preet, Tav, or bitch. I love her so much. The little freak.
We’ve been best friends for about four years now and not once had a fall out. She’s DABESTK?!
Besides being my best friend, she’s also like my sister. We have been through some pretty rough shit together and always been there to pick the other up. She’s amazing.


Another very obvious “P” is of course, photography. It’s what I’m studying at Uni and it’s what I’m hoping will become my career!
Speaking of photography, I’ve just created a new Flickr page. My old one felt a little outdated and I wanted to start a more “professional” page, to start a few new projects on and start building up a real name for myself in the industry.
It looks a little bare at the moment but I have several new projects in mind for the new year, so watch this space!!
If you could take a look and leave feedback, even keep an eye on it for my soon-to-be regular updates, I’d be really appreciative!!

I’m heading down to Oxford for a week tomorrow afternoon, so I will be having time to catch up with friends and family down there before Christmas.

If I don’t blog before, then I hope all of you lovely people have a wonderful Christmas and a prosperous New Year!! ❤


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