Archive for June, 2012


If Love was a currency, I’d be the richest man on Earth.

My boyfriend just came out with that. ❤


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Well, I suppose I should get on with this Life in Letters thing right?

K………. Kittens, Kat Von D, Katniss Everdeen, Kate Bush, Kings of Leon, Korn, Korpiklaani…

Well they’re all pretty awesome.

Kittens are cute. Kat Von D is pure win. Katniss Everdeen is badass and a much better role model for girls than Bella fucking Swan. Kate Bush is awesome. Same goes for Kings of Leon, Korn and Korpiklaani.

OOOOO-OOOH… YOU’RE SEX IS ON FIRE. (this is really overplayed).

Personally, my favourite song from Kings of Leon is “Four Kicks”. First song I heard from them. And I love the video. FOUR KICKS WHO’S STRUTTIN’ NAH-HOAWWW?

Ehh… does this count as a sufficient blog about the letter ‘K’? No? Okay… I’ll put in some pretty pictures. Deal? Okay. Too-dah-loo.


Kitten, yah?


Kat Von D + Kitteh, yah?


Kate Bush, yah?


Kings Of Leon, yah?

Korn, yah?

Korpiklaani, yah?


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Warning: I will be talking about the plot in this review, so if you don’t care for spoilers, don’t read until after you’ve seen it. If you’ve already seen it, or if you simply don’t care for the film, go ahead and read.

Before even seeing the film, I’ll admit, I was skeptical. Why? Because Kristen Stewart stars as the main role. And as far as I’m concerned, any film with her in at all, never mind being the starring role, is never the set up for a good film. However, the trailer convinced me that perhaps the story behind it, and the supporting actors could turn it around and make it a worth while watch.
After having watched the film, I came to one very firm conclusion: This is a badly written film, disguised with good graphics and effects to make it appear to be a good film.
The film itself, looked very good. Visually, it was wonderful. Everything else? Fell flat. Very flat.

The beginning was good- I enjoyed the first 20 or so minutes thoroughly, and I dared to hope that this film would prove my skepticism wrong. The film looked good, thus far the acting was good, and even Kristen Stewart’s slightly off British accent hadn’t completely ruined the entire thing. So far, so good. Dark, sadistic, disturbing, and just mild enough to keep its 12A rating.
However, it wasn’t long before Stewart began to regain the classic qualities that make my regard for her “acting” stoop to between poor and horrific. No change in facial expression, too much “breathy” talking, one tone of voice, regardless of situation, and strange, stiff movements. That and painfully unconvincing attempts at portraying different emotions (probably due to the one tone of voice and no change in facial expressions).


Besides the flawed acting abilities of the “fairest of them all” (just me, or did the Queen really have nothing to worry about in comparison?), the writing of this film is what really let it down. There were some really interesting ideas in the film, that brought new life into the well known tale, but they were simply brushed over, and never looked at again, leaving the potential hanging in the air untouched. Instead, the writing seemed more focused on showing random, out of sequence events all surrounding the protagonist, and ultimately leading to a very anti climatic ending.

The star of the show was undoubtedly the Queen, played by Charlzie Theron. She was dark, threatening, beautiful- everything the character required, and more. Plus her performance outshone every other actor effortlessly. I’ve gotta say, Charlzie does “evil” very well.


There were several things I particularly had a problem with in the film- I’ll run through them one by one.

1) This is in regard to the costumes. For the most part, they were good. They suited the characters and they worked in the grand scheme of things. There was one thing that totally baffled me though- Snow White enters the film wearing a long tradition but dirty dress. In the forest, it becomes obvious that underneath this very traditional dress, she also happens to be wearing… trousers? Tight black trousers? I mean, am I nit-picking here, or did this really confuse anyone else too?


2) The strange love triangle they seemed to be trying to include (because apparently Stewart won’t be in a film now unless there’s a really weird, inexplicable three way relationship with her in the middle of it all), between The Huntsman (that’s another thing- he’s never given a name. He’s just “The Huntsman”. Seriously. He’s even credited as such at the end.) Snow White, and some kid she used to know called William, the son of the Duke (another character not worthy of a name other than his title). Not only is this triangle really, really weird (The Huntsman has to be at least 20 years older than her in this, right? And as for William? Well… they haven’t seen one another in 10 years in the film… and yet when they meet again they’re inexplicably in love?), but it simply doesn’t go anywhere. It’s utterly bizarre. The writers touched on this concept, and then decided just to leave it there. They didn’t conclude it, they never explained it, and they never developed any of the characters far enough to even make the audience care enough to want to find out. (This means, by the way, please please PLEASE don’t attempt a sequel…)

3) This one is a carry on from my last point; the character development. Or lack of. Seriously, there is none, whatsoever. No character in the entire story stays for long enough to have any kind of identity. And the ones who do stay around are so incredibly one dimensional they belong in a 90’s video game. And for some reason, the writers decided to try to big up some of the characters that served little to no purpose to the entire film by concluding it with them all alive and well. As if the audience ever knew enough about them in the first place to care. Le sigh.

4) And finally, it was far too long. The film was 2 hours, 7 minutes long. And nothing happened in it. The beginning was good, then there was 2 hours of useless filler and no direction at all, and then there was a really rushed final 20 minutes to conclude the entire thing? What? Come on, director, come on.

Overall, I was disappointed by the film. It had great potential, some fresh ideas, and one good performance, which unfortunately, wasn’t enough to save it. I’m amazed that they managed to ruin such a good idea, with such promising concepts, but it all just fell flat. Bad writing, bad acting and bad direction.

Oh, and Kristen Stewart? Just change careers please. Now. This clearly isn’t your calling, is it?

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Well, the first year of University is over. Dom and I have been on break now for a few weeks, and are currently house sitting for his mum. The weather’s been shocking so we’ve mainly stayed in- it’s been okay though as we’ve been baking, gaming and keeping the dog amused. He bought be Crash Bandicoot last night on Xbox and I wound up being stuck in nostalgia for a few hours while he played Minecraft. He also introduced me to Eve Online. In Eve you have a set of beginners tasks to complete in order to get to know the game, and overall contributes to your character’s skill set- the game is fairly complex, but I impressed him by completing 2 weeks worth of training in under an hour (about 25 tasks in total). 
Well… looks like it’s finally happened… I’ve become a gamer. I’ve been playing Halo, Minecraft, Blur, and now Crash again, my favourite childhood game, and Eve.

The sun is finally out today so we’re planning on going into Manchester soon to go to the cinema and get some Japanese food.

Next week we go to Oxford, yet again to house sit. Dom will get to meet most of my friends for the first time, and more importantly, my cat. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone- my best friend Tom is picking us up from the train station, and he’s the one Dom will have to impress. I can’t wait! 😀

Summer’s looking good so far. (:

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Today I was reflecting on the past year of this little adventure known as “my life”. I was thinking back to this same day, a year ago.
Where was I then? Or rather, who was I then? Well…

By the beginning of June 2011, I was at the start of the end of the worst relationship of my life. You’d have thought I’d have been ecstatic? No. The opposite. As far opposite as you can be from ecstatic, was me. As far as I was concerned, this was the end, not of the two year long hell worthy prison with the tag “boyfriend”, but of life itself.
This guy was everything to me. Poor, pitiful me. He had broken my heart countless times; hell he’d even blown his nose on it and stamped it into the ground for good measure, and yet I couldn’t help but love him.
So there I was, heart broken yet again, unable to see any way out of my self-pitying, endless torment, acting like I was the only person on the face of the entire Earth to experience such pain.

Of course, I wasn’t. Countless people have been through this- the break up you never wanted to happen, watching the other person move on without so much as a glance backward. While all you’re doing in the way of “coping” is looking through old photos, thinking nostalgically of “well… there were SOME good times?”, torturing yourself over social networking activity and trying desperately not to text/call/email. And drinking. A lot.

The self pity stopped after a few weeks and I eventually got on with my life.
This is the point where we start reflecting: If you had told me then, that in just a year’s time, I’d have a year of University under my belt, a tonne of new friends, a new relationship (and the best relationship I could ever ask for, I might add) and a life that actually feels like I’m living it, rather than just watching it pass by? I’d have never believed you. And yet here I am. Typing this. Reflecting on how much I’ve grown since then; grown up out of teenage-hood and into adulthood, and grown overall as a person.

Turns out, I could survive it. And I could even bring myself to trust someone else again, and love them even more than I’d loved previously. I could survive being a student and I could survive moving to the other end of the country, where I knew no one, completely independently.

With this growth, I’m safe with the knowledge of one certainty; if I can survive those things, how hard can the rest be?

A year ago I thought my life had come to an end. Now I know that my life is just beginning. The future’s bright, if you only open your eyes wide enough to see through the tears of the present.

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