Posts Tagged ‘mother’

Well, kids. Today’s letter is E.

Immediately with this letter, there are three people within my close family I can mention. For one, my mother, Evelyn. I’ll mention, that it is pronounced “EVE-LYN”, not “EV-LYN” or “EVER-LYN”, as she despises it when people pronounce it wrong.
So, what to say about my mother? Well, we clash. Quite a lot. We’ve certainly had our differences and certainly made sure the other knew, in screeched tones, that these differences made us clash. We never used to get along very well at all. However, since I moved out almost a year ago, and then moved away altogether, to Uni, we’ve been getting along much better. When I visited her last, we both seemed to just accept that the past was behind us, and we got along brilliantly. We even bonded a bit.
Though we’ve had our differences, and thousands of arguments over the years, I’ve always admired her for bringing me up as a single mum. My biological father left when I was only 4, and she raised me on her own, in a one bedroomed bungalow that was all we could afford. She even let me have the bedroom, while she created her own in the back of the living room, separating it with a screen. Eventually she remarried, but I’ll never forget those few years when I was young and we were all each other had.

Another person, as my step-sister Eva. Though the “step” part is not something we’ve ever acknowledged. We’re sisters through and through. My father remarried quickly, and Eva and I went from being best friends, to being sisters from the age of 6. She will always be the person who knows me inside out, the person who was there, by my side, the entirety of my childhood. We are only a couple of months apart in age- people used to think us twins. We desperately wanted to be. Eva is the best sister I could ever have asked for, and she’ll be there till the end.


 And then there’s Edward. He’s my step-brother. Again, we don’t use the “step” part. He and Eva are full brother and sister, but I’ve been in Ed’s life since he was a few months old. He’s now 14… I can’t believe how grown up he’s becoming. It’s terrifying! Of course, being our little brother, Eva and I put him through all kinds of torture over the years. Such as dressing him up as a girl and sending him down into the pub we live in for the locals to laugh. Bless him.
I’m incredibly protective over my little bro though. No one messes with him. I’ve seen to that in the past. One finger laid on my brother, three fingers broken.
I love my brother. The little twerp. (His nickname, from me, is “Scrote”. He loved the nickname, and proudly told people that his big sister called him it. Until he had sex ed. He came home looking mortified. I’m so evil.) The photo of him below is a still from a video taken a few years ago. So he was still only about ten here.


Finally, I will mention one more thing beginning with ‘E’ that was a large part of my teen years. The website “Elfpack”. Don’t know if many of you will of heard of it, but it was a quirky and cool community site, and myself and my friends spend a lot of time on it. Unfortunately, it’s kind of dead now. Not many people seem to use it any more, and we all left it behind long enough. Regardless, I kept my profile there for nostalgia, and I log on from time to time to see what’s going on. Those were the days, kids. Those were the days.

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