Posts Tagged ‘j’

For J, I have one person in particular I want to dedicate this letter for my life to. Julia. My step mum. She also happens to be one of the greatest and bravest women I’ve ever met in my entire life.

I met her when I was only 5, and she has been a constant source of inspiration every day since. Ever since I’ve known her she has suffered from kidney failure, and for years was on dialysis. Though she no longer has to dialyse since she got a donor kidney, she still suffers from many other ailments including multiple bone diseases and also, blindness. She lost the sight in one eye about 2-3 years ago, and soon after lost the use of both. This is irreversible and can only be described as the same thing that happens to those who get old- bits of the body simply stop working. But Julia is only 40 something years old.

Despite these things, she has always been the most amazing mother to not only my two step siblings, but to me too. When she and my father split up, nothing changed- she still welcomes me home as one of her own children, and I still see her as a second mother. We’re amazingly close, and she’s one of the best people I know. She’s always so full of optimism no matter what, and it’s truly amazing to know someone like her. I love her with all my heart and I always will. ❤


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